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Shivanii Alderman

Bloggers Share the Books That Have Changed Their Lives

This post originally appeared on Quarter Life Crisis.

Books are the ultimate escape. You can use them to travel to a different world, change your view of society and step into someone else’s shoes. They also teach you how to overcome your obstacles and how to be a better person. Today we’ve rounded up five bloggers t0 share the books that changed their lives.

What’s your blog about? I am a book writing mentor! I help business owners write books and get support and encouragement along the way.

First of all, what’s your favourite book, and why? Any book by Mary Higgins Clark – I love her!

What book would you recommend to help you get through a tough time? I would say Thirty One Days of Prayer for the Dreamer and Doer📷. I enjoy it because I can work through it and the prompts allow me to journal and express myself.

When you want advice, what book do you turn to? I am enjoying Tony Robbins’ new book Unshakeable: Your Financial Freedom Playbook📷which deals with money. Money is a hard topic for me to master and I am always looking to improve my relationship with it.

Finally, what is the best piece of advice you could give someone? Always acknowledge what you are grateful for at the end of each day.

What’s your blog about? I help women wake up to their awesomeness. To love who they are and understand they’re the creator AND hero of their own life story.

First of all, what’s your favourite book, and why? Conversations with God, Book 1📷, by Neale Donald Walsch – because it opened my eyes to why we are here and how we view the world at large.

What book would you recommend to help you get through a tough time? Light Is the New Black📷 by Rebecca Campbell – because it’s a beautifully inspirational book, written by a beautiful soul. I really resonated with it.

When you want advice, what book do you turn to? She Means Business📷 by Carrie Green – it’s a simple process to starting your own business and shows that anyone can do it.

Is there anyone who inspires you, and would recommend their biography? David Jason: My Life📷, because it’s funny and light-hearted and really shows the person behind the actor.

Finally, what is the best piece of advice you could give someone? Trust yourself – you have all the answer you need, if you just give yourself time to stop and listen to your inner self.

What’s your blog about? I write about my experiences with mental illness. I think I’m awesome because I’m open about my struggles in hopes of helping others and raising awareness about mental health disorders.

First of all, what’s your favourite book, and why? This is a little corny but my favourite book is a children’s book called Tosca’s Christmas📷. It has so many happy memories associated with it. My Mum used to read it to me at Christmas time and as a child, that was the most exciting time in the world. I also named a my childhood cat ‘Tosca’ after the kitty in the book. She is no longer with us anymore so this book is super meaningful now

What book would you recommend to help you get through a tough time? I’m currently reading Mark Manson’s The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck📷, I love it because it’s realistic, relatable and not full of BS.

Is there anyone who inspires you, and would recommend their biography? Sarah Wilson’s First, We Make The Beast Beautiful is full of tips that have helped her through her struggles with mental illness .It is an is inspiration and awesome!

Finally, what is the best piece of advice you could give someone? It okay to not be okay!

What’s your blog about? I’ve been the burned out/dejected/uninspired millennial in the business world. And, I figured out how to combat it! Now I focus on teaching other millennials how to find their way in the business world – without losing their spirit.

First of all, what’s your favourite book, and why? This is so tough! But, I have to go with Daring Greatly📷 by Brené Brown. I love it because her and I have very similar personalities so she comes at things from a perspective I can appreciate. The act of vulnerability is seemingly terrifying, but the connections she draws in this book from vulnerability caused me to take another look. When we numb one emotion, we do numb them all. She really changed my perspective and gave me a lot to think about!

What book would you recommend to help you get through a tough time? When I was in high school, we had to read this book for psychology class: Why You Do the Things You Do📷 by Tim Clinton. And I ended up loving it! He explores how to have happy and healthy relationships based on your “attachment style”. I love that his approach is personalised, so I don’t feel like I have to fit into a certain mould for the help to apply.

When you want advice, what book do you turn to? I’ll preference this by saying I’m only part way through, but I am LOVING Find the Good: Unexpected Life Lessons from a Small-Town Obituary Writer📷 audiobook by Heather Lende. It’s the most unexpectedly brilliant book about finding good in everything – from an obituary writer. It explores life, love, and yes, death, but in a way I never expected.

Finally, what is the best piece of advice you could give someone? Take your time. While everyone around you is following “social protocol” by setting down — take your time. Take the time to figure out what makes you happy, and WHY. Use that knowledge to create your own life with your own purposes in mind. We live in such a rushed society: soccer practice/dance/networking meetings/PTA meetings/work obligations. All those things have a place, but if we don’t intentionally set time aside to focus on what we want we could end up with an unintentional life. Take your time to understand what you want, then take time to make sure you’re on track.

What’s your blog about? I’m from Brazil and I am still a newbie and trying to find my “voice”. I hope that my cheerful personality might be captivating and that I can share things that I love in a funny and helpful way to my tribe and clients.

First of all, what’s your favourite book, and why? I am more like a fiction kind of girl, so I would say its Animal Farm📷 by George Orwell or Blindness📷 by Jose Saramago.

What book would you recommend to help you get through a tough time? I’ve read a few. I like Rich Dad Poor Dad📷 by Robert T. Kayosaki because I was had this entrepreneur mind, and this really rocked my world. Also there is book called Intuitive Eating📷 by Evelyn Tribole that changed my whole way to see food and health.

When you want advice, what book do you turn to? I’ve recently read Year of Yes📷 by Shonda Rhimes and it’s was AMAZING, it was a very nice ‘slap in the face.’

Is there anyone who inspires you, and would recommend their biography? Not sure if it’s a real Biography, but I would say Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl📷.

Finally, what is the best piece of advice you could give someone? “‘Be true to yourself no matter what” because this is something I personally faced and it was really a life changing thing for me.

Don’t forget to check out these amazing bloggers if you liked their advice!


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